How To Clean A Green Pool

How To Clean A Green Pool

The presence of algae is a common culprit in turning pool water green. Algae blooms may occur when the free chlorine level in your pool drops too low.

The chance of producing pool algae is further increased by exposure to excessive heat, heavy rain, or poor circulation if a preventative algaecide is not used. 

Stubborn pool algae can be difficult to control without taking the right measures to cure and prevent the problem. You can’t get rid of green water in a pool in less than 24 hours, so this article will show you how to do it in four or five days.

Having a pool service come in once a week or twice a week to perform routine maintenance and cleaning is the best way to maintain the water clear.

That way, your pool will never turn green on you. This article should be useful if you’re looking for a quick solution to cleaning a green pool. 

Tips to Follow

Some of the tips that you can follow are:

1. Get Rid of the Debris

See whether there’s any major trash on the bottom of the pool, and scoop it out with a leaf net. This is somewhat self-evident, given that any fallen leaves, branches, insects, or other organic matter would quickly begin decomposing and circulating germs throughout the pool.

The filtration system will have an easier time if the organic debris is removed first, and the pool chemicals will work more quickly if the debris doesn’t inhibit them. This has the added benefit of preventing the proliferation of any algal spores that may already be present in the water.

Be careful not to stir up the water too much since this could send bacteria swarming. Or else you’ll just make things appear worse by muddying the waters. Take out the trash gently so as not to churn up the water.

If you can’t see the floor of the pool, don’t vacuum it. There’s a chance you could clog the filter or skimmer or perhaps cause damage to the pipes underground.

2. Test The pH

Find out the pH and alkalinity levels by using test strips or a liquid test kit to determine the pH and alkalinity levels. The optimal pH range is 7.4-7.6.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a little lower because shocking the water can easily raise the pH. Alkalinity levels should be maintained between 100 and 150 ppm. Again, if it’s on the low side, that’s fine.

Make any necessary adjustments to the alkalinity of your water and retest it to ensure it is within the acceptable range. If the alkalinity is corrected, it is hoped that the pH will also be brought into a more suitable range. 

3. Shock the Pool

Shocking a pool means, in practice, just boosting the chlorine levels above the normal range. Shock can be purchased as either a powder or a liquid.

To get started, start the pool pump to circulate the water, then spray the shock solution all over the pool. In other words, disperse the impact rather than concentrate it. Spread out as much as you can by walking around the pool.

You may need to administer pool shock multiple times if you have a severe algae bloom. After the organic trash has been cleared away, this helps eliminate any lingering germs and algae.

The water may become hazy quickly and should clear up in a day. Shocking a pool at night is recommended to avoid UV interference, and the optimal pH range is 7.2–7.4.

4. Clean using Filter

Now that you’ve shocked your pool and the algae in it should be dead from the shock or the algaecide, it’s time to filter and vacuum.

If you don’t vacuum the pool before turning on the cartridge, sand, or diatomaceous earth filter, you could have to hire a professional to replace your pool pump.

Remove organic and mineral buildup from your filter by backwashing or chemically cleaning it as directed in the owner’s manual.

To ensure that all of the pool’s gallons pass through the clean filter, you need to let the pump and filter constantly run for 24 hours.

Shock at night, then let the filtration system run for at least 8 hours. Better yet, until the pool is fully clear, you should leave the filter on continuously.

It will speed up the process of cleaning your pool. Many experts recommend keeping your pool filter on for at least 24 hours straight and then backwashing it to prevent debris from getting trapped.

5. Maintain the Pool

If you’ve had to clean up a green pool before, you undoubtedly want to prevent it from happening again. It’s a pain to clean, and it’ll set you back a pretty penny to keep your filter on around the clock.

Additionally, the entire procedure may take up to a week to complete, during which time your pool will be unavailable for use. With the pool water clear once more, maintenance is a top priority.

The most important step in this direction is keeping adequate disinfectant supplies on hand. It is recommended to check the water quality at least once a week, but more often if possible. As soon as you detect a drop in sanitation levels, replenish them promptly.

6. Maintain Chlorine Level

Maintaining a free chlorine concentration of at least 1.0 ppm in the water will prevent another algal bloom. That calls for at least twice weekly water chemistry tests and tweaks.

Pools need to be chlorinated often, so if you’re going to be away from home for more than a few days, you should plan. There is a chlorinator installed in the plumbing of some pools. You should check the chlorine levels before you leave.

A slow-release chlorine tablet can be placed in a floating chlorinator, which can be purchased for a low price if you don’t already have a chlorinator. This will ensure that there is always an adequate amount of free chlorine in the water.

Algaecide can also be added to water systems as routine maintenance if that will help. However, in all honesty, your best bet is to maintain control of the available sanitizers simply.


It is not easy to maintain a pool that has turned green. Pool cleaning typically takes a few days but can be accomplished in as little as a day if you get on top of the situation before an algae growth becomes severe.

It is recommended that pool water be tested and balanced once a week for optimal results. Always remember to backwash your filters and skim the pool on a regular basis to keep it clean.

You should let your pump and filter run nonstop for a whole day so that the pool’s gallons can pass through the clean system.

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