Standard Room Sizes

Standard Room Sizes:

In this post, we will provide all standard room sizes such as bedroom sizes, living room sizes, kitchen room sizes, dining room sizes, bathroom sizes, guest room sizes, garage sizes, toilet Sizes, laundry room sizes, etc. Have a look.


SizeDimensions (in ft)Dimensions (in m)
Small 6 x 61.83 × 1.83
Medium8 x 102.44 × 3.05
Large8 x 152.44 × 4.57

Entry Closets (24″ minimum inside dimensions):

SizeDimensions (in ft)Dimensions (in m)
Small2 × 30.61 × 0.91
Medium2 × 40.61 ×1.22
Large2 × 60.61 × 1.83

Powder Room:

SizeDimensions (in ft)Dimensions (in m)
Small4 × 41.22 × 1.22
Medium5 × 51.52 × 1.52
Large6 × 61.83 × 1.83

Great Room:

SizeDimensions (in ft)Dimensions (in m)
Small16 × 184.88 × 5.49
Medium18 × 245.49 × 7.32
Large20 × 286.1 × 8.53

Living Room SIzes:

SizeDimensions (in ft)Dimensions (in m)
Small12 × 183.66 × 5.49
Medium16 × 204.88 × 6.1
Large22 × 286.71 × 8.53

Dining Room Room Sizes:

SizeDimensions (in ft)Dimensions (in m)
Small10 × 12 3.04 x 3.65
Medium12 × 16 3.65 x 4.87
Large 14 x 18 4.26 x 5.49

Family Room Sizes:

SizeDimensions (in ft)Dimensions (in m)
Small 12 x 16 3.65 x 4.87
Medium 14 x 20 4.26 x  6.09
Large 16 x 24 4.87 x 7.31

Recreation Room:

SizeDimensions (in ft)Dimensions (in m)
Small 12 x 18 3.65 x 5.48
Medium 16 x 24 4.87 x 7.31
Large 18 x 30 5.48 x 9.14

Media Room:

SizeDimensions (in ft)Dimensions (in m)
Small 10 x 14 3.04 x 4.26
Medium 12 x 16 3.65 x 4.87
Large 14 x 20 4.26 x  6.09

Kitchen Room Sizes:

SizeDimensions (in ft)Dimensions (in m)
Small 5 x 10 1.52 x 3.04
Medium 10 x 16 3.04 x 4.87
Large 12 x 20 3.65 x 6.09

Eating Area:

SizeDimensions (in ft)Dimensions (in m)
Small 10 x 10 3.04 x 3.04
Medium 12 x 12 3.65 x 3.65
Large 16 x 16 4.87 x 4.87


SizeDimensions (in ft)Dimensions (in m)
Small 2 x 2 0.61 x 0.61
Medium 3 x 4 0.91 x 1.22
Large 4 x 6 1.22 x 2.28

Laundry Room Sizes:

SizeDimensions (in ft)Dimensions (in m)
Small 3 x 6 0.91 x 2.28
Medium 6 x 8 2.28 x 2.44
Large 8 x 10 2.44 x 3.04

Utility/Mud Room:

SizeDimensions (in ft)Dimensions (in m)
Small 5 x 6 
Medium 6 x 8 
Large 8 x 10 

Rear Entry Closets (24″ minimum inside dimensions):

SizeDimensions (in ft)Dimensions (in m)
Small 2 x 3 0.61 x 0.91
Medium 2 x 4 0.61 x 1.22
Large 3 x 6 0.91 x 2.28

Garage Sizes:

SizeDimensions (in ft)Dimensions (in m)
Small 12 x 20 (1 car) 3.65 x 6.09
Medium 20 x 20 (2 car) 6.0009 x 6.09
Large 24 x 24 (2 car w/storage) 7.31 x 7.31


SizeDimensions (in ft)Dimensions (in m)
Small 6 x 8 2.28 x 2.44
Medium 8 x 10  2.44 x 3.04
Large 12 x 16 3.65 x 4.87

Storage Room SIzes:

SizeDimensions (in ft)Dimensions (in m)
Small 6 x 6 2.28 x 2.28
Medium 8 x 10 2.44 x 3.04
Large  12 x 14 3.65 x 4.26

Home Office Room Sizes/ Work Room Sizes:

SizeDimensions (in ft)Dimensions (in m)
Small 8 x 10 2.44 x 3.04
Medium 12 x 14 3.65 x 4.26
Large 14 x 18 4.26 x 5.48

Master Bedroom Sizes:

SizeDimensions (in ft)Dimensions (in m)
Small 12 x 14 3.65 x 4.26
Medium 14 x 20 4.26 x 6.10
Large 16 x 24 4.87 x 7.31

Walk-In Closets:

SizeDimensions (in ft)Dimensions (in m)
Small 4 x 6 1.22 x 1.83
Medium 6 x 6 1.83 x 1.83
Large 6 x 8 1.83 x 2.44

Master Bathroom Sizes:

SizeDimensions (in ft)Dimensions (in m)
Small 6 x 9 1.83 x 2.74
Medium 8 x 12 2.44 x 3.65
Large 10 x 16 3.04 x 4.87

Bedroom Sizes:

SizeDimensions (in ft)Dimensions (in m)
Small 10 x 10 3.04 x 3.04
Medium 12 x 12 3.65 x 3.65
Large 14 x 16 4.26 x 4.87

Closets (24″ min inside dim):

SizeDimensions (in ft)Dimensions (in m)
Small 2 x 4 0.61 x 1.21
Medium 2 x 6 0.61 x 1.82
Large 2 x 8 0.61 x 2.44

Guest Bedroom:

SizeDimensions (in ft)Dimensions (in m)
Small 10 x 12 3.04 x 3.65
Medium 12 x 14 3.65 x 4.27
Large 14 x 18 4.27 x 5.49

Guest Closets (24″ min inside dim):

SizeDimensions (in ft)Dimensions (in m)
Small 2 x 3 0.61 x 0.91
Medium 2 x 4 0.61 x 1.22
Large 2 x 6 0.61 x 1.83

Standard Room Sizes For Full Bath:

SizeDimensions (in ft)Dimensions (in m)
Small 6 x 9 1.83 x 2.74
Medium 7 x 10 2.13 x 3.04
Large 8 x 12 2.44 x 3.65

Guest Bathroom:

SizeDimensions (in ft)Dimensions (in m)
Small  5 x 9 1.52 x 2.74
Medium 6 x 10 1.83 x 3.04
Large 7 x 12 2.14 x 3.65

Linen Closets (12″ min inside dim):

SizeDimensions (in ft)Dimensions (in m)
Small 1 x 3 0.30 x 0.91
Medium 2 x 4 0.61 x 1.22
Large 3 x 6 0.91 x 1.83


SizeDimensions (in ft)Dimensions (in m)
Small 5 x 6 1.52 x 1.83
Medium 6 x 8 1.83 x 2.44
Large 8 x 10 2.44 x 3.04

Study Room Sizes:

SizeDimensions (in ft)Dimensions (in m)
Small10 x 10 3.04 x 3.04
Medium12 x 12 3.65 x 3.65
Large14 x 16 4.27 x 4.87


SizeDimensions (in ft)Dimensions (in m)
Small 12 x 12 3.65 x 3.65
Medium 14 x 18 4.27 x 5.48
Large 16 x 20 4.87 x 6.10
standard room sizes
bedroom sizes, living room sizes, kitchen room sizes, dining room sizes, bathroom sizes, guest room sizes, garage sizes, laundry room sizes

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26 thoughts on “Standard Room Sizes”

    • HI Gardo. The extra 10 denotes INCHES — i.e., 10’x10″ (whereby the apostrophe in the FIRST 10 denotes FEET, and the quote [ ” ] denotes INCHES).

    • Hi Gardo,

      That extra 10 denotes INCHES (whereby you’d TYPICALLY see, for example, 10’10” — whereby the ‘ denotes FEET and the ” denotes INCHES).


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