Types Of Brick Bonds

Types Of Brick Bonds:

The general types Of brick bonds used in brick masonry are as following: 1. English Bond, 2. Flemish Bond, 3. Stretcher Bond, 4. Header Bond, 5. Facing Bond, 6. Raking Bond, 7.Garden Wall Bond, 8. Dutch Bond, 9. English Cross Bond, 10. Zig-zag Bond, 11. Silverlock’s Bond. 12. Rat Trap Bond.

English Bond:

English bond is considered as the strongest and most widely used brick bond in construction work. It consists of an alternate course of headers and stretchers.

In this arrangement, vertical joints in the header and stretcher courses come over each other. To break the vertical joints in the consecutive courses queen closer should be placed after the first header in every header course.

english bond

The features of these types of brick bonds are as following:

1. In this brick bond, every alternate course demonstrates headers and stretchers.

2. A course will show either just headers or just stretchers when seen along the side.

3. To break the vertical joints in progressive courses, it is important to provide a queen closer after the first header in every header course.

4. Queen closer is required just in header course. Stretcher course does not need any closer.

5. Every header of the header course is centrally supported over the stretchers of the stretcher courses.

6. Bricks in the similar course don’t break joints with each other.

7. When the thickness of the wall is even multiple of half brick, a specific course will demonstrate only headers or stretchers on both the confronted of the wall.

8. When the thickness of the wall is odd multiple of half brick, a course showing stretchers on one face will demonstrate headers on the other face and vice versa. Be that as it may, the wall of half brick thick will demonstrate stretchers on both appearances.

9. The quantity of joints in the header course is about twice that in stretcher course. So, header joints ought to be kept as thin as possible to maintain appropriate lapping over joints. (immediately below the course)

Flemish Bond:

In these types of brick bond, each course consists of alternate headers and stretchers. Every header is centrally supported over the stretchers below it.

To break the vertical joints in the successive courses queen closers are placed in alternate courses next to the queen header.

Bats are essentially required for the walls having their thickness equal to odd numbers of half bricks. Flemish bond gives a better appearance than English bond.

flemish bond

The primary elements of Flemish bond are as following:

flemish bond

1. Each course comprises of headers and stretchers.

2. To break the vertical joints in progressive courses it is necessary to provide queen closers in interchanging courses besides the quoin header.

3. Each header is centrally upheld over a stretcher beneath it.

4. Flemish bond gives a preferable appearance over the english bond.

5. Bats are essentially required for the walls having their thickness equivalent to odd number half bricks.

Flemish bond can be sub-divided into two different categories.

  1. Single flemish bond and
  2. Double Flemish bond.

a) Single Flemish Bond:

single flemish bond

It is a combination of english bond and flemish bond. Facing of the wall is developed by using flemish bond and backing is developed by using english bond. This type of bond can not be used in walls less than one and a half brick thickness. However, this bond gives better and attractive looks.

b) Double Flemish Bond:

In this type of brick bonds, each course demonstrates the same appearance both in the front as well as back elevations (headers and stretchers are laid in every course alternatively). Alternate headers and stretchers are used in every course.

This bond enables one brick wall to have flush and uniform faces on both sides. It gives a better appearance but comparatively weaker than english bond.

Difference Between English Bond And Flemish Bond:

The difference between English bond and Flemish bond are as follows:

English bond is much stronger than flemish bond for the walls thicker more than 1½ brick.

Flemish bond shows more attractive and pleasing appearance of masonry work.

Flemish bond is economical as it uses broken brickbats, although it requires some extra mortar for additional joints.

Uses of flemish bond is a bit difficult than english bond. Flemish bond requires more skilled labour and supervision.

Stretcher Bond:

stretcher bond

Stretcher bond is the simplest type of brick bond used for construction works. Sometimes it is also known as running bond.

In the arrangement of stretcher bond, all the bricks are laid as stretchers (as shown in fig).

No header is present in this bond, hence suitable reinforcement should always be provided for the construction of structural bondS.

Header Bond:

header bond

In this type of brick bond, all the bricks are placed as headers on the faces (as shown in fig). This bond is also known as the heading bond.

The overlap is half the width of the brick and can be achieved by providing a three-quarter bat in each alternate course at quoins.

Header bond can be used in the construction of a curved structure, brick foundation,s etc.

Other Types Of Brick Bonds:

  1. Facing Bond.
  2. Garden Wall Bond.
  3. Raking Bond.
  4. Dutch Bond.
  5. English Cross Bond.
  6. Zig-zag bond.
  7.  Silverlock’s Bond.

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2 thoughts on “Types Of Brick Bonds”

  1. It’s interesting that there is so much variety to brick bond types. I actually didn’t know that a stretcher bond was also called a running bond, and that it’s utilized for construction works. To be honest, it would be really cool to see this brick application in person and be able to identify the bonds that are being used.


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