1. The damp-proof course should cover the total wall thickness.
2. The bottom of the DPC should be clear, even and free from overhanging that may damage to the damp-proof course.
3. The side shuttering should be sufficiently strong and fixed well that it does not get disturbed at the time of compaction and cement slurry does not spill out.
4. The concrete should be prepared in the quantitive ratio of 1:2:4 (Cement: Sand: Stone chips 12 mm).
5. The concrete used in the DPC should be workable.
6. The concrete should be placed and tempered roughly to make a thick mass.
7. After laying the concrete of 24 hours, it should be cured minimum for 7 days.
8. After completing the curing properly, the surface should be left to dry out to get the cover of hot bitumen.
9. After drying the concrete surface, it should be cleaned with brushes and with a kerosine soaked cloth piece.
10. Finally, the treated concrete surface should be filled uniformly with hot bitumen in specified quantity.