Types Of Drawings Used In Building Construction

Types Of Drawings Used In Building Construction

Drawings are the most important things we need to start any construction project. There are different types of drawings for different purposes. In this article, we will discuss different types of construction drawings (also known as working drawings).

Construction drawings provide detailed measurements and clear sections of every building part. After reviewing, the drawings are justified and modified and finally approved for construction. The different types of construction drawings are listed below.

1. Architectural Drawing

This type of drawing provides complete view of a building. It demonstrates the location of building and all building parts where they will be placed.

There are different types of architectural drawings with different names such as plan, elevation, section etc.

2. Structural Drawing

As the name suggests, this type of drawing provides information about structure, like strength of different structural elements, structural materials, grade, size and placement of reinforcement etc.

3. Electrical Drawing

This type of drawing provides the details and location of electrical wiring, fixtures, sub-station, etc. The electrical load calculation is also given in the drawing.

4. Plumbing And Sanitary Drawings

These drawings give the location of sanitary, piping for the water supply system, fixture, and the process to connect every fixture, etc.

5. Finishing Drawing

These types of drawings contain the details of the finishing and appearance of the building, such as marble, tiles, etc.

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8 thoughts on “Types Of Drawings Used In Building Construction”

  1. Which of the drawings describe the positions for furniture and other things that compliment the rooms?

  2. Under which drawing are we going to get the positions of furniture and other things that compliment the rooms including electronics and there dimensions?


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