5 Methods To Improve The Bearing Capacity Of Soil:
These are the following methods which can be used to improve the bearing capacity of soil.
1. Increasing The Foundation Depth:
Increasing the depth of the foundation is the simplest method for improving the bearing capacity of soil. Because soil has a high pressure at the deeper depth. Hence it will be more compact.
2. Draining The Subsoil:
Drainage is another well-known method which improves the bearing capacity of soil. In this process drains are placed near the footing base, then the subsoil water is collected and drained out by a pipe.
3. Blending Granular Materials:
In this method, certain amount of granular materials such as sand, gravel, crushed stone, etc are blended into the weak soil by ramming. Hence the poor soil becomes much stronger and bearing capacity is improved.
4. Confining The Soil:
The soil is confined in a bounded area with the help of sheet piles. This method is suitable for sandy soils.
5. Driving Sand Piles:
This method is also helpful to improve the bearing capacity of soft soil by reducing the void volume. Here wooden piles are used to make holes in the weak soils and then sand is filled into the holes by ramming.
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Maximum Bearing Capacity Of Different Soil
How To Calculate Load Bearing Capacity Of RCC Slab
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