What Is Concrete Countertops?
Over the last few years, concrete countertops have become increasingly fashionable in kitchens, baths, outdoor gathering areas, and restaurants and bars because they are entirely customizable and handcrafted.
Countertops made of concrete are regularly utilized instead of marble or granite. Many homeowners discover that concrete countertops are the ideal complement to their houses due to stunning stains and specific measurements.
Concrete Countertops – Advantages & Disadvantages
Concrete Countertops Advantages
Let’s start by dispelling some common misconceptions about concrete kitchen and bathroom surfaces. They won’t look like a slab of outdoor concrete in your home — unless you want an industrial aesthetic, of course.
1. Today’s concrete countertops resemble natural stone more than ever before. Acid staining is used in concrete which makes it incredibly tough and resistant to scratches and chipping.
With just a little basic upkeep, it will survive for decades. You won’t have to replace it until decades later when you’re ready for a fresh design in the kitchen or bathroom.
2. Concrete kitchen countertops will come in handy if you enjoy cooking. Countertops can resist the heat of a cooker and the heat of the hot pots and pan. Hot hair equipment, such as a straightened or styling iron, will not harm the concrete bathroom surfaces.
3. To create the mottled effect of granite or slate, some hues ranging from light to dark can be done.
4. While that is one of the more notable appearances, there are several others. Concrete kitchen countertops can be colored to complement your decor, flooring, or cabinets in various hues. Tiles made of ceramic, glass, or stone can be included in the design.
Source: ancient-art-concrete-countertops.com
5. Every few years, you’ll need to reseal your countertops, but it’s a quick and simple task. The counters will not discolor or harbor bacteria if done correctly. Concrete countertops are simple to clean if they’ve been appropriately built and sealed.
The best approach to clean up is with warm, soapy water. If you need to clean more thoroughly, follow your contractor’s instructions or use a pH cleaner that won’t affect the sealant. However, we should avoid abrasive cleaners.
6. With adequate sealing, concrete may resist staining, and even lighter concrete will not be stained by spaghetti sauce splatter.
7. Sinks and drains may be easily accommodated.
8. A concrete countertop can be dyed or pigmented with dyes to achieve a natural and polished effect.
9. We can integrate cutting boards into the countertop to combine functionality and design.
10. Because concrete worktops are considered premium countertop materials, homes with them will have a higher market value.
11. Unlike the tiles, you may create an entirely smooth countertop by adding a similar colored filler.
12. A smooth and seamless surface can be achieved by concrete for your countertop as per your design.
13. Marble is non-static, which is one of its most distinctive properties. That means it will change over time and take on a personality. Finally, as your concrete countertop ages, its aesthetic will improve.
14. These counters will change your image of concrete. It would be best if you involved yourself get in touch with a company doing installation and browse over their portfolio.
Concrete Countertops Disadvantages
1. Concrete countertops are more expensive than other countertop materials such as granite, quartz, or marble.
2. Size, form, thickness, color, and finish of the countertop are all elements that influence the cost of concrete. Additionally, the price will increase if you intend to include extra features such as a design on the edge of the surface slab, inlay, or decorative aggregates.
3. Recycled materials might be presented to cut down on the initial cost. Additionally, we can make customization to keep minimum costs.
4. It is estimated to cost between $75 and $150 per square foot. However, depending on the extent of customization and design, it may be higher.
5. Skilled and experienced labor is required to construct or repair the concrete countertop, which raises the cost.
6. The problem of a concrete countertop’s color fading is relatively common if proper care is not performed.
7. When concrete cures, it is prone to developing shrinkage fractures. Hair-like fissures are frequent in concrete countertops, although they can easily be rectified.
8. However, adopting a few precautions, such as applying adequate sealer to the surface and avoiding placing hot pots directly on the platform, can extend the life of the kitchen counter and eliminate shrinkage cracks.
9. We must clean the spills on the countertop immediately. Otherwise, it may leave a stain on the countertop. Acidic compounds, such as lemon juice and vinegar, are particularly prone to causing damage.
10. If the whole slab is made of concrete, the slab will be overly heavy. As a result, structural steel reinforcement is required.
11. Reinforcement can also be done with fiber reinforcement, rebar, or wire mesh. If not, the slab’s weight will become too great, and the cabinets will be unable to be installed.
12. Even if shrinkage fractures are well-prevented, the concrete slab develops a hairline crack. However, this can be decreased by cleaning spills as soon as they fall on the slab, avoiding a poor concrete mix, and having the countertop installed correctly.
13. Hairline cracks, on the other hand, are less noticeable and, in most cases, harmless. However, if they develop too widely, they may damage the countertop. However, this is a rare phenomenon.
14. Although concrete slabs are not easily scratched, putting vegetables or fruits straight onto the slab may result in scratches.
15. It will take time to design, cast, cure, and finishing of concrete countertops. This process cannot be rushed.
16. It’s too hard to change the concrete countertops after the construction.
Concrete Countertops Installation Process
1. Cutting Countertop Form Boards:
Source: diynetwork.com
1. Particleboard is used to produce a non-stick container known as a form. It’s an integral aspect of the countertop’s shaping and installation.
Ensure it has a melamine coating to prevent concrete from adhering to it—everything you’ll need for the installation, including melamine-coated particleboard.
2. Calculate how much room the countertop will take up in the cabinet.
3. With a pencil, trace the measurements onto the particleboard.
4. Before cutting boards, put on a dust mask, safety glasses, and earmuffs.
5. With a utility knife, score the particleboard on both sides.
6. Using a circular saw, cut the particleboard to size.
7. Make tall strips out of the second particleboard if your countertop features a sink, measure, and trace cuts.
2. Create a Concrete Form:
1. Arrange the strips along the particleboard’s edges.
2. Additional strips should be placed around the cutouts you traced on the particleboard.
3. To locate the screws, make pencil marks along the strips.
4. Using a drill bit, make pilot holes.
5. Using wood screws, secure the strips in place.
6. To seal the joints in the boards, apply caulk to them.
7. Leave the caulk to dry for at least 24 hours.
Source: rhombusconcrete.com
3. Pouring The Concrete:
1. In a plastic paint bucket, combine the concrete and water.
2. Pour the remaining concrete into the shape.
3. By running a trowel across the surface of the concrete, it can be smoothed out.
4. With tin snips, cut concrete wire mesh to fit inside the wood shape.
5. Using a wood board and trowel, smooth up the concrete.
Source: instructable.com
5. Fill out the form with the remaining concrete.
7. To keep the concrete from drying up too rapidly, cover it with plastic.
8. Allow 2 to 3 days for the concrete to be set.
9. Remove the framing boards from the hardened countertop by unscrewing them.
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